SWIMMING HOME by Vincent Katz
(Nightboat Books, New York, 2015)
(Nightboat Books, New York, 2015)
In section IV of his
poem “Barge,” Vincent Katz captures quite correctly what it feels like to grow
old, “There is a reason to lose our senses as we get to be old/ And that is not
to feel that the final end is so terrible/ If we are, so to speak,
infantilized, then what we encounter/ May be merely a kind of odd discomfort, a
pain/ As from infancy we are accustomed to suffering, and cry/ Out our lungs
when we are unable to verbalize what we feel.” Do we really return to a
child-like nature? It has been analyzed by better minds then my own. Child-like
is childish? Unable to verbalize as Mr. Katz writes is a real possibility.
Trapped in the human body or, as Whitman wrote, “Come up here, soul, soul.”
Mr. Katz writes in
bold, seductive lines that express the colors and sounds, the scenes he sees
out of windows and the clips, so to speak, as he traverses the symbolism in
many of the poems. Rain, water, drinking, clouds all play a role in this work.
As he writes in the poem “A Perfect Day,” “Rhythm of preparing food, eating,
cleaning. / Many varied kinds of insect. / Late reflections on buildings, light
fluttering like water.” If he were in these couple of lines to thrust his hands
into cold water, you could imagine the lines of poetry would change certainly.
There are many ways to psychoanalyze water in poetry for writing in general.
What Mr. Katz does is to make the leap from death to water and then to heaven, perhaps. He writes in the XIX section of the poem, “Barge,” “People die in
ponds - /Boats turn over / A solid blue, green-edged, hovers / Silken marsh
grass waves / At day’s end light in pine tops.”
Next to the poem “Barge,”
which I think is the best work in this volume, “Swimming Home,” for which the book
is named, is a stellar piece of work. He writes, “A body seen through
water, a changing light, a turn, a change in lane, is that a thigh or a torso?
The mind could be seen traveling back, but to where? Where could begin the myth
of the body, the kick that leaves you reeling, compelled?” When I was a young
teenager I had the terrifying experience of almost drowning. As I fought
hysterically to get to the surface of the water feeling as if someone was pressing me
down, I saw the shapes of others as Mr. Katz describes. “The kick that leaves
you reeling…”
Mr. Katz, in the final piece
of the book entitled “Sidewalk Poem,” writes, “Can’t control time but am able
to add to it / have the possibility here / one who reckoned against it lost /
one who reckoned for it found.” In Swimming
Home it is found, never lost. You may find yourself relating to the
imagery, the life-affirming words that are here for the reader to find.
Chris Mansel is a
writer, filmmaker, epileptic, musician, photographer and a permanent outsider
for some reason. Along with Jake Berry, he formed the band
Impermanence who have released one album, Arito. He releases
music under the name dilation Impromptu who have released four albums and have
just released a new Cd Indentions On The North Face of Everest. His
writing has been published in the Experioddi(cyber)cist, Apocryphal
Text, and the Atlantic Press among
others. He has made over 260 short films for other artists as well as his own
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